You can find for a very low price under several brands a little tool that allows to magnetize or demagnetize on demand a screwdriver.
In some situation it can be usefull to have a magnetic screwdriver in order to extract screw from an hole, or to get screw in position on the screwdriver to put it in place.
In other situation like normal use it can be annoying to have screwdriver that has get magnetize through use and that stick to any screw.
As you can see on following video such tool is very simple of use and quite effective.
Only passing the screwdriver through one of the entry allows either to get it magnetized or demgnetized. Tool has two entries : one for magnetization and the other one for demagnetization.
Screwdriver will remain magnetized or demagnetized as long you will not use the tool the other way.
The only difficulty you could face is for demagnetization that can require several pass in the tool. In extreme cases try to remagnetize before demagnetizing.
With this tool the operation can be done on demand with an unlimited numbers of times.
Scredriver's tips :
If you don't have magnetizer and you want a magnetic scredriver, you can simply pass a standard magnet on it in the lengh, it will then be magnetic. But reverse operation without above tool is far less easy but not impossible.
A very usefull tool to have for a very low price.