Keywords : ecology
Potable and drinking water as now became a key resource for environment.
One of simple gesture for your personal consumption could be installing a water salvage hand shower head. In addition of the gesture for the planet this will also benefit to your budget.
This new type of hand shower is now available on the market at a price quite similar to standard ones.
How it works :
A conventional hand shower only let water pass through multiples littles holes. The water saving one is quite different in design : it includes internal mechanism that works with water pressure. Water flow enters in the hand shower, this pressure is used to aspire some air. Air is then mixed with water before going out. The fact to introduce air replaces a certain volume of water reducing global consumption.
Main advantage of this system is to keep same level of comfort for user. Shower sensation is quite the same than with normal shower head (you cannot notice if don't know that you use one).
We can estimate that water consumption is reduced by approx 30%.
Beside water consumption it will also reduce your gas or electricity bill of your boiler due to the fact that less hot water is used.